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Possessions: Each and every possession we have requires some degree of care and maintenance. Think of homes, cars, computers and more. Some degree of planning for each thing will serve you well in seeing that there will be support for particular possessions. Think of a car. It can be run until it won’t anymore. Then, when it won’t start or that loose fan belt breaks, there’ll be a crisis. OR, on the other hand, there can be a plan. Do you have skills to address the needs of your car? Your characteristic or quality. Do you know someone (daughter-in-law or neighbor who does)? Friends & family, or Community Resource, like a repair shop or a skilled sister-mechanic. Could you take a class and learn? Community College. Do you have the money to do so? Finances. Could you keep a maintenance schedule? Intellect … you get the idea.

Here's some ideas to get you started:

  • List things you own that have value
  • Consider whether you want to insure any, or already have insurance
  • If you have insurance, or have maintenance plans, write then down.
  • Help keep this part of your Personal Safety Net organized by gathering and placing these in a place where you, and those you want to have the information, will be able to access it:
    • Copy of your current bills
    • Appraisal or inventory of valuable items
    • Birth certificate
    • Driver's license – copy
    • Extra keys
    • Personal information from my personal files
    • Safe(s)-
      • Do I keep a safe deposit box?
      • Where is the key?
      • Who is authorized to get in?
      • What's in it?
      • Do I have a fireproof safe in my house?
      • Where is it?
    • Pets
      • Who will take care in an emergency?
      • Have they been asked?
      • Create a list of information about your pet(s). Include: habits, food liked/disliked, allergies, and problems.
      • What and when are they fed?
      • Veterinarian(s)
      • Name of pet sitter(s)
    • Information on any prior or legal name(s)
    • Copy of Education, Certifications and credentials
    • Copy of Current resume
    • List of Employer(s) and contacts
    • Marriage certificate
    • Military discharge papers
    • Motor vehicle title
    • Passport/Naturalization papers
    • Prenuptial agreement
    • Prior years' tax returns
    • Property and school tax records
    • Social Security Card
    • Veteran's administration paperwork
    • Warranties for things owned
