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Comments On Our Work

Over the past six years we've been very fortunate to receive accolades about our book, our workbook, our e-newsletter, our presentations and our overall efforts to bring the concept of Personal Safety Nets to the public.

We start here with some of the wonderful comments we're received from those who have hosted and attended our seminars over the past year:

OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE (A Ministry located in West Seattle, Washington) "I should have invited all the people in my neighborhood. This information would be useful for everyone."

TOGETHER CENTER (Creating access to human services, so people can find help when they need it.) "Really useful information and insight - that I need to put in practice."

ANEW (A non-profit offering comprehensive trades training to low-income women living in King County, Washington.) "Thanks for a thought provoking session!"

UNITED WAY OF KING COUNTY (Bringing caring people together to give, volunteer, and take action to help people in need and solve our community's toughest challenges.) "You both made me really think!

NAVOS (A non-profit that focuses upon better ways to serve the mental health community) "I wish everyone had this training!"

CAMP FIRE (Dedicated to connecting children and families to one another and the natural world) hosted our seminar for their entire administrative staff. "It's helpful to learn to be intentional about things we take for granted - that's the real value of this training."

NEST (North East Seattle Together - committed to aging gracefully in the homes we love) offered our seminar as part of a fundraising evening - "Your presence, respect, clarity helped build community on the spot."

SEATTLE UNIVERSITY (School of Theology and Ministry) invited us to give our presentation to ministers from 12 denominations on campus for extended Pastoral Leadership opportunities. "Every congregation should address this."

FAUNTLEROY EMERGENCY PREP SEMINAR Provided a chance for us to help community leaders understand a personal safety net and how it dovetails into neighborhood and community preparedness. "You really got them, and me, thinking about our next steps toward strengthening our PSN's."

We've also heard from community and organization leaders, dating back to our origins six years ago, offering their views of Personal Safety Nets, our publications and our seminars. Here's a few people who've lent their name and comments to our cause.

Ian Slattery "I got your latest Newsletter and loved the section about "Getting your shopping cart in order!" You tied together a lot of the issues that people have going on during the holidays - which can produce feelings of disconnection, loneliness, meaninglessness (not to mention stress) during a time of year that is about connecting with others, the joy of family and friends, of meaning and the spirit of compassion for others. . .the thoughts you shared were really helpful to me in stepping back and taking a look at what is really going on"
Ian Slattery, Director, Soldiers of Conscience

Bill Gates Sr.This is a really valuable book. The idea of anticipating the toughest personal or family tragedies by pre-arranging a support group is a wonderfully novel but practical idea. Beyond that the authors have provided an all-inclusive list of practical tips on how to do this effectively. I was particularly attracted to the wisdom of being sure that those you ask for help understand that you are perfectly willing to accept a ‘no’ for an answer.”
Bill Gates, Sr.

Janet Barton"I want to thank you for all of the wonderful resources you have provided. I look for resources to help people. I am one of an international group of health care volunteers. Many have full time jobs but do this on a volunteer basis to help with health and wellness in their communities. I find information and tools to make their lives easier. Many work out of a church, some are community outreaches, and one in Australia has a storefront office. The services provided are free. We are Parish Nurses/Health and Wellness ministries. Your site has given me such valuable tools to pass on. We all plant seed and hope that they will grow into something beautiful and life changing for someone in our path. Thank you for providing seeds for us to scatter."   
Janet Barton, Kansas Parish Nurse Ministry
International Health Care Volunteer

The Personal Safety Nets book and workbook have been extremely valuable resources for the Childhaven staff.  Staff support is imperative to the overall working experience in social services.  Since professional and personal development are closely related, the Personal Safety Nets message of connecting with one another and asking for help is powerful and useful in our every day work with vulnerable populations.
Bethany Larsen, Training Manager, Childhaven

 Vanessa Carr“How wonderful to bottle up the energy and wisdom of John and Judy. In their book, Personal Safety Nets, you’ll find a clear and concise formula to use when you, your family, friends or associates need help in managing challenging issues of care. I’ve observed their work with families and have seen the benefit of clear communication and sharing the care. It’s one fine book.”
Vanessa Carr, Director,

“I am in the planning stages of building a care-team program for low-income single mothers and domestic violence survivors who often find themselves socially isolated at a time when they are most vulnerable. I was delighted to have Personal Safety Nets to fall into for practical advice and encouragement. The authors obviously have extensive experience with different kinds of care teams. They do not gloss over difficulties that may arise in teams or with partners, but rather show how to work through challenges realistically and with compassion for all concerned.”
Donna Pierce, Former Executive Director, Westside Baby

 “This book presents an exquisite project—serious, rewarding, and offering a great opportunity for new learning. The two writers offer a wealth of thoughts, ideas, plans, opportunities, challenges and more on how we all could learn to support a care partner and his family in case of life changes.  The book is a wise, considerate, and extensive work based on hands-on experience and full of love and dedication to a cause of utmost worth for all sides involved.  In a world that seemingly grows colder and colder, this book encourages us all to come together and find our humanness anew. The care team offers such a beautiful opportunity, and here we find countless ideas presented in a most human way.”
Peter Kessler, lic.oec.HSG, Jona-Kempraten, Switzerland

Denise Klein“John Gibson and Judy Pigott have written a powerful book with several important messages that have the potential to make aging and managing illness far more rewarding than our culture has yet allowed them to be. It’s hard to explain to those who haven’t had (and deeply fear) serious or life-threatening health challenges that the benefits can far outweigh the liabilities. Chief among the benefits is how being a care partner provides a great opportunity to depend on people who will grow profoundly from that experience, as we ourselves also are enriched from being able to count on support from others. This road map will help us let go of our isolation and unnecessary self-reliance.”
Denise Klein, Executive Director, Senior Services

 “In Personal Safety Nets, John Gibson and Judy Pigott provide a straightforward, flexible plan for navigating life-threatening and life-altering crises. It’s a wonderfully practical, hopeful look at how forming supportive teams can help us in our darkest hours.”
Ann Marie Pomerinke, Chief Executive Officer, Great West Division, Inc., American Cancer Society

“Odds are that one day you will find yourself in the role of caregiver. This important book will help you to face the challenges of this role, and even more important, show you how to grow from the experience. It is all about having a personal safety net in place when such challenges come your way.”
Nancy J. Dapper, Executive Director,
Western and Central Washington Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association

 Dr. Peter Grimm“In each of our lives there is a time when we need others in a way that we don’t expect. Often challenging problems, such as caring for a spouse or family member, come when physical and economic difficulties make solutions seem impossible. Personal Safety Nets is a practical guide through the process of caring for self and others during difficult life experiences. It will help you gather resources around you in order to make your life and other lives successful, meaningful, and joyful. I highly recommend this book to family and friends of anyone going through a major health problem."
Peter Grimm, MD, Director, Seattle Prostate Institute

 “This book is a valuable tool for cancer patients and their caregivers.”
Susan Gordon, RN, Oncology,
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

 “As I was helping John Gibson and Judy Pigott prepare this manuscript for publication, little did I know that they were actually preparing me to face the loss of my beloved grandmother, who died unexpectedly this spring. That’s when I knew that John and Judy’s collective wisdom and stories were far more than words on a page. As I was suddenly thrust into the role of griever and care team member all at once, with this book fresh in my mind, I almost felt as if John and Judy were standing by, comforting and coaching me. Becoming familiar with the stages of grief, recognizing boundaries, and identifying strong emotions were practical tools that I could use right away. I encourage readers to take time to read this book and discover that you can be well equipped to meet life’s challenges—and stronger than you ever imagined.”
Karen Parkin, Editor

Amy Domini“Reading Personal Safety Nets was almost a spiritual journey. It guided me through needs and responses I was only just vaguely aware existed. How frequently I thought, ‘if only I’d read this before Granny got sick.’ As a professional who works with families I felt immediately that this book was the most important contribution to the field of life-crises management I had ever seen.”
Amy Domini

Personal Safety Nets speaks to a truth I have both experienced and practiced.  In my own personal life, in times of stress, I have children and friends upon whom I can call instantly; and they respond, always. I understand that I have been immeasurably blessed and cannot imagine those times of ill health, sadness and stress without those dear wonderful souls. Currently, I serve as CEO at Camp Fire USA Central Puget Sound Council. Again, I work with youth and families who form groups around a variety of programs; and from those groups, form personal safety nets that often begin when children are small and that last a lifetime. I am convinced that support, through the context of safe and secure group networks, contributes mightily to our humanity and ability to deal with both life’s joys and sorrows.  Personal Safety Nets eloquently speaks to this phenomenon.”
Jane White Vulliet, CEO,
Camp Fire USA Central Puget Sound Council

“As a family physician, I believe all my patients would benefit from having a personal safety net. Gibson and Pigott have done a great job of writing a "how-to" book on personal safety nets and on setting up care-sharing teams."
Scott T. McIntyre, M.D., Seattle Primary Physicians, P.L.L.C., Seattle Family Medicine

“This book strikes at the heart of both the challenges and joys of caring for a spouse or family who face illness, chronic disease, and end-of-life decision making. The authors are sensitive and address the uniqueness of each person’s journey through the last chapter of one’s life. A must read for families going through the maze and emotional roller coaster of eldercare.”
Mary Lynn Pannen, RN, CCM,
President/CEO, Sound Options, Inc.


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