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The following people and organizations (in no particular order) provide a wide range of services and help to individuals and businesses. These are just a few of the partners we have worked or dealt with personally, and stand behind.

No partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative or employment relationship exists between the parties. Personal Safety Nets does not share or sell any personal information to outside organizations.

 Art with Heart creates and distributes therapeutic books and offers supportive trainings that are aimed at helping high-risk children and youth learn to manage their emotions and stress, and express their needs in healthy ways.

Lotsa Helping Hands answers the question what can I do to help? If you are caring for someone in crisis, or going through one yourself, chances are you have heard this question a lot. Everyone wants to help, but no one knows exactly what to do.

 Visit John Gibson's website to learn more about his speaking, writing, conseling and coaching. He has 40+ years experience on issues of Aging, Health, Illness and Caregiving, Cross-generational Communication and a variety of other subjects.

The V Jimmy VFoundation for Cancer Research was founded in 1993 by the cancer strickened, Jimmy Valvano, former National Championship basketball coach, and honors his memory in its dedication to providing hope by finding a cure for cancer. Jimmy own words remain the foundation's motto: "Don't give up. Don't ever give up."

CareZone simplifies the lives of those caring for children, partners and aging parents. They provide a simple and entirely private environment where family and helpers can stay organized and coordinated. CareZone’s cloud services (free app) help you organize and manage information on tablets, smartphones and computers, and stay connected to family and other helpers with whom you may share care responsibilities.

 Singer, songwriter and story-teller, Michael Tomlinson has created 10 cd's over his 20+ year recording career. Michael is on a mission to make as many of his concerts as possible benefits toward worthy causes in the cities he performs in. 

FareStart is a culinary job training and placement program for homeless and disadvantaged individuals. Over the past 17 years, FareStart has provided opportunities for over 3,000 people to transform their lives, while also serving over 3.5 million meals to disadvantaged men, women, and children.

The mission at I Love My Mind is to share, in laymen’s terminology, the latest research and resources that will give you an edge in keeping your mind sharp for the rest of your life.

The Center for Ethical Leadership is organized around a question: What kind of leadership does the common good need at this time in this place? They cultivate leaders who: create Gracious Space as a tool for change; put their values in action to serve the common good; bring people together, across boundaries, to form collective leadership; ask compelling questions to initiate change that matters. 

The Seattle Office of Emergency Management partners with the community to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. Explore their Preparedness, Recovery, Programs & Services, and Hazards sections for up-to-date information and news.

Ernest Becker Foundation seeks to illuminate how the unconscious denial of mortality profoundly influences human behavior, giving rise to acts of hate and violence as well as noble, altruistic striving.

Northwest Immigrant Rights Project promotes justice for low-income immigrants by pursuing and defending their legal status. Through its legal services, NWIRP helps: Uphold Basic Human Rights, Preserve Family Unity, Prevent Persecution, Protect Children, Provide Hope for Justice.

Using innovative, proven approaches to child development in therapeutic day care environs, Childhaven heal old hurts and nurture young lives. By strengthening family and child relationships and improving parenting skills, they break the cycle of abuse and neglect and create a foundation for lifelong loving relationships.

Navos mission is to improve the quality of life of people vulnerable to mental illness by providing a broad continuum of care. For over forty years, Navos has been responding to the needs of people with mental illness in King County. Their services are targeted to those who live at or near poverty, often as a result of their mental illness.

logo is a social change movement in 22 countries and six continents. For every hour you spend doing something for someone in your community, you earn one Time Dollar. Then you have a Time Dollar to spend on having someone do something for you. Time Banks change neighborhoods and whole communities.

LifeSPAN supports families in Washington State to develop safe, secure, quality futures for their relatives with a disability.  If you know any woman currently undergoing chemotherapy, please pass the word to her that there is a cleaning service that provides FREE housecleaning - one a month - for 4 months while she is in treatment. All she has to do is sign up and have her doctor fax a note confirming the treatment.  Exists to simplify the process of organizing meals for friends or family members in a transitional time of life. For someone who has just had a baby, recovering from surgery or injury, grieving the passing of a loved one, confined to bed rest, and almost anything else, receiving dinners from loved ones can be very comforting and helpful.  Elderly assistance and help for persons in need by providing care givers and various home services.

American Red Cross has been the nation's premier emergency response organization. It is part of a worldwide movement that offers neutral humanitarian care to the victims of war. It distinguishes itself by also aiding victims of devastating natural disasters. Over the years, the organization has expanded its services, always with the aim of preventing and relieving suffering.

 The Mackey Group unlocks the mystery behind why some people outperform, rise above the ordinary and become successful in whatever they choose to do.


The Family Support Network  Weaves a grassroots web of support for young and old alike to create a more caring, just, and civil society. Everyone has something to offer.

 Aging in Stride is a valuable resource for older adults, caregivers and the health and service professionals that work with them.


 The ShareHouse collects still useful household furniture and other items and distributes them to families and individuals who have been homeless.  A resource for developing resiliency in yourself, your work teams and your organization.  Create the power to bounce back.   Online resource for connecting with those to whom an individual gives access. It provides private, secure space for health updates and photos along with responses from those who check in.   The Support Team Network is a training and resource center for the development of volunteer Support Teams for persons with health concerns or other special needs.   The Medical Alert System by Connect America® 
restores independence and provides comfort. If ever needed, live help is just the push of a button away.

 National Family Caregivers Association supports, empowers, educates, and speaks up for the more than 50 million Americans who care for a chronically ill, aged, or disabled loved one.

Heartwork is there for the times when someone needs a companion who understands the weariness of prolonged caregiving, or the pain of grief; sometimes a person craves a small group or community where deep experiences can be shared.

Sightline Daily offers a daily snapshot of the most important environmental, economic, and social news affecting the Northwest, combined with expert insight that helps connect the dots on issues and points to solutions.

 eCare Diary provides comprehensive information, tools and resources to help those seeking and providing long term care, including a set of online tools designed to make coordination of care and sharing of information easy amongst family members and other caregivers, a comprehensive database of nursing home and home care services, and guides on long term care financing. 

 Carebrigade supports the Patient's complete healing during at-home recovery, including creating a space for miracles.

 CarePages are free, easy-to-use Web pages that help family and friends communicate when a loved one is receiving care. It takes just a few minutes to create a CarePage, share it with friends and family, and build a community of support.

Estimate Your Retirement Benefits by checking you Social Security credits to see if you qualify for benefits; use the Retirement Estimator for a retirement estimate based on current law and real time access to your earnings record.

Citizen Corps is FEMA's grassroots organization to bring together government and community leaders to involve citizens in all-hazards emergency preparedness and resilience, asking citizens to be prepared; to get training in first aid and emergency skills; and to volunteer to support local emergency responders, disaster relief, and community safety.


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