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Question: My son Nathaniel is leaving home for his first post-college job. He won't take advice from me - about what to do now with developing the corners of his life -...

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According to the latest findings by the Pew Research Center, 81% of U.S. adults use the internet. 59% of adults say they have looked online for health information in the past year.


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Dear PSN, My sister has just gone thru a bad divorce, and has a final restraining order against her ex. She wants to protect her two children above all, and listened when I suggested re-writing her will. Now, however, she doesn't want to tell me what disposition she has made for guardianship of her children. I don't want to push, I don't think that I am the best choice for guardianship, but I do what to know who to contact in case of emergency. I also want to develop a relationship with whoever might be the guardian before any catastrophe ensues. Any advice on how I can point out the advantages to my sister? Thanks, Mary

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Life has taken a different turn this past 9 months. Since being diagnosed with MS, there are things that I cannot do. Hence I've created a "to do list party." I supply the food and invite friends...

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It seems tough for me to offer help, especially in times of need or during difficult situations. I don't want to be nosey but I'd like to know my help is wanted and appreciated. How can I know? Kay Morgan

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I wonder how you choose the topics for your focus? Bill B.

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My parents have not maintained friendships nor made any new ones in the past ten or so years. Now they are lonely and isolated. This has a huge impact on the few of us in the family who could be available to them ... if only they were nicer to be around. How do I balance my wanting to be there for my parents with wanting to avoid being in their presence? It all seems hopeless. Brenda

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I love the concept of building community, and on my own block the Block Watch and Emergency Preparedness meetings have helped us get to know neighbors. However, I would not have my contact information on a block roster available to everyone because even on my nice street, we have people who are unknowns (we know the houses have changed hands but we never see the new owners) and some who are most politely described as opportunists. Can I do better than this? Linda Carlson

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I am the managing web editor of YES! Magazine. . . I took the opportunity to look around your site. There are a couple of articles and checklists that would fit the YES! angle well, and I was wondering if you could give us permission to report those on our website?

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I enjoyed your wonderful book. It affected me deeply. What struck me most is that although the book is primarily about creating safety nets, it provides many useful tips on how to be...

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With our focus this month (April, 2010) upon "effectiveness," it's funny that we received this note from a friend telling us how she's making her own personal safety net more effective. Anne...

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During this time of year (Valentine's Day) I find myself remembering the pain of a heart broken many years ago. What can I do to make this pain go away? Barry Gibb

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I love the concept of building community, and on my own block the Block Watch and Emergency Preparedness meetings have helped us get to know neighbors. However, I would not have my contact information on a block roster available to everyone because even on my nice street, we have people who are unknowns (we know the houses have changed hands but we never see the new owners) and some who are most politely described as opportunists. Can I do better than this?
- Linda

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Given a few moments to introduce myself to a group of businesspeople, I mentioned my name, my position and the company I work for. That's what everyone else did. As I spoke someone broke...

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Look to this day for it is life, For yesterday is already a dream,
And tomorrow is only a vision.
But today, well lived, makes every yesterday
A dream...

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Q: My parents have not maintained friendships nor made any new ones in the past ten or so years. Now they are lonely and isolated. This has a huge impact on the few of us in the family who could be available to them ... if only they were nicer to be around. How do I balance my wanting to be there for my parents with wanting to avoid being in their presence? It all seems hopeless. Brenda


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The research on our heart and the power we have to maintain its health is plentiful and overwhelming - and so is the research that may shock, surprise, scare and maybe, motivate:

  • Men...
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Q. During this time of year I find myself remembering the pain of a heart broken many years ago. What can I do to make this pain go away?
Barry Gibb

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It's pretty clear - the research says that surrounding ourselves with friends and groups is beneficial to our health, our happiness and our outlook on the world. We don't want to...

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Are you a shopping addict, an overconfident consumer, a status seeker or a smart spender? Stuart Vyse, in Going Broke: Why...

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Laughter is your birthright, a natural part of life that is innate and inborn. Infants begin smiling during the first weeks of life and laugh out loud within months of being born....

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Good neighbors needn't do big or burdensome things to be GREAT neighbors - but they can take some simple steps to make theirs a GREAT neighborhood by being active and taking some important steps...

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The first choice is whether or not to involve anyone at all in your life. If you're intrigued by the Personal Safety Nets® ideas, you've probably already decided to risk interdependence, even...

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Our February tip this month is to remember that it's important to use those words "I love you" or "I really value having you in my life" or "you are very, very special to me" or "...

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March's tip is to be bold by pruning your Personal Safety Net. You'll not only encourage new growth but will strengthen your personal safety net.

  • Cut those...
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April's tip is that to have a personal safety net that will be well-supported and available it's necessary to do two things. First, acknowledge and nurture the people and resources you do...

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Know one? Are one? Care for an older one? Love one? Born of one? Who needs a Personal Safety Net more than moms? And yet those who are busy being super moms seldom take...

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We are best at doing what we can imagine. If we can't imagine it, we're stopped before we even start.

Lean back for a moment as you read this and think about what your...

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Q: With school starting, cold & flu season has begun. I'm worried about days when the kids have a day off, or are sick. What do I do so I don't jeopardize my job?

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  1. Do your best to do only those things that you can do willingly, and for only as long as you feel mostly good doing them. Setting a time limit can be really helpful.
  2. Focus on those...
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This summer there are three new ways to strengthen your Personal Safety Net!

1. We're delighted to announce that Personal Safety Nets is now available in a four-CD set. The audio book was...

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Anna W from Seattle asks:
Q: My husband is now homebound with early onset dementia. He sits in front of the TV all day, watching one news show after another, and ends up afraid to go out. How can I help him?

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Q. Is having a Personal Safety Net really worth it?

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I really have no other life. The bulk of care giving -- cleaning, cooking, financial management, medical/dental/vision transports and consultations, physical exercise, recreation, you name it -- I do it. When one looks at the big picture, it can be quite overwhelming. How can I shift this balance?

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What we're talking about here are "soft skills," by which we mean the communication skills, social graces and chosen habits you will need and use to successfully create and maintain your...

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Start your year off right by getting Personal Safety Nets "In Case of Emergency" wallet cards for yourself and those you count on to support you. Available from our office. Call 206-659-0665....

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Our nation celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, commemorating America's freedom from British control. The right to self-rule was thus established for the...

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Every day we continue to need each other. Life can be overwhelming or dangerous if you are new to the country or community, or experiencing a life changing or challenging event. When more...

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Q. If I have only seconds to evacuate my house, what would I grab?

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Q. How can I make time for friends when I'm so busy?

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Q: Won't I hurt the feelings of someone I care about if I say no to their request for help?

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Q. How do I keep my Personal Safety Net list from rivaling my Christmas card list? I have so many people in my life, and the thought of keeping them all in the loop is tiring.

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Q. How can I help my Dad expand his safety net?

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Think ahead of time about whom you'll turn to if you are stumped or scared. Let them know you value and count on them. If there's too much information in front of you or there are too many...

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Create a common language and set of expectations among your team members before there is a crisis.

Reading the same book can help you understand each other when...

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There's a 100% chance that you will experience change and challenge in your life. Whether it's:

  •  Losing your home to foreclosure
  •  Unexpected job loss
  • ...
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There is little worse than the thought of losing your home or business. Whether it's to a flood or fire, or the imminent landfall of a hurricane, losing your home is a dreadful thought. ...

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These simple steps will get you started.

  1. Define what's going on - tell safe people & keep the information flowing
  2. Ask for help - remember, we all need to give, so give...
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We sometimes assume that our very status as helpers grants us some sort of immunity from the hardship…as you care for people with your heart wide open, you often don’t realize how much of what...

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I'm thinking of sharing my home to lower expenses. What things should I be considering? How do I get started?

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