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Safety Net Stories

These stories, often contributed by readers and workshop participants, express how personal safety nets and care share teams have made a difference in their lives.

Oftentimes we are asked, "what is an outside community resource"? Well, Isis (the subject of this story) is just one of many thousands of organizations around the world that make up the whole of "outside community resources" that may provide help or assistance to someone who is struggling, or struggling to help. Way to go, Exel! Thank you for helping support our world!

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I'm was the victim of "one of those emails." You know the kind. Everyone in your address book gets one a saying you've had some terrible experience in a foreign country (fill in the country) and that you regret the request, but you're in need of some amount of money (fill in the amount) immediately, and can they be a doll and quickly send the money.

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All my life I have been a person that was well connected and well supported; but after a series of transitions and a move to a new area, I found myself for the first time in my life without a network of friends and family. . .

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Just months shy of retirement eligibility, having dedicated over 19 years of loyalty to her employer, Denise was told she'd been an exemplary manager but her services were no longer needed, effective immediately. In a moment, Denise went from being the primary income earner for her family to the ranks of the unemployed.

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PSN is about creating a system or network, personally or professionally, to support you during times of need. It is about putting in place a plan to provide an arrow reminding you of where you intend to go. Understand this and learn to use some PSN tools.

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Once you have put together your own supportive personal safety network organized what you might need and want in your life, and asked to be part of this network, a time will come to look at reaching out to form a team to help with some change or challenge that comes up for you or someone you want to help.  Here's four steps to follow.

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Our October  e-Newsletter feature story focused upon the kindness and caring of the Patriot Guard Riders. We received a wonderful follow-up letter  through  Richard Trzcinki, a PGR rider,  whose son had written a school essay about "A person or experience that had an effect on your life." 

We call this "Outreach Reaches Back." Read what the son learned.

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I thought of the family having to go through the loss of their son, and having the protesters there essentially pouring salt into their gaping wounds. It was the turning point for me in my depression. I knew I had to do something.

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We are all integral parts of a Personal Safety Net; a support system we all need to understand as we move ahead - one that allows us to fulfill our dreams and deal with challenges that life sends us along the way. John & Judy's book was given quite a bit of credit for beautifully explaining this ongoing process in a letter from Brenda C.

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Our funny joke has a moral: The best assurance of staying connected, regardless of age or reason, is communication and the power of having made and taken appropriate action on decisions.


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