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Cool Free Downloads: Intellect

Learning How to Ask for Help - Being Direct

If you're starting a request for help by saying, "I really hate to ask you . . ." maybe the person you're asking is thinking, "I really hate it too!"  Asking for help isn't easy! But it's a skill we can all learn. It's a matter of being positive, organized and direct.

In this Cool Free Download we provide some sample tools to help you develop the skills to ask for help and have better results in gaining the other person's engagement. We also provide some real answers to help you understand the benefits of asking for help.

Improve Your Mind, Mood & Outlook – 4 Easy Tips That Work!

Sometimes getting yourself or another out of a rut can be as simple as changing how you think or doing something new. Next time you’re feeling in the dumps, or asked to care for another, think of these tips as easy and fun ways you can change direction and put a smile on an important face. So let’s get you started!

Tips for Asking & Some Practice

All of us need help from time to time. It's good to think carefully about what you like to do, what you do well, and what you could most happily offer someone in need. Check out these tips fo asking for help (left box), as well as a two-stage way to ask for help.

Exercising Your Asking Muscles

Your goal is to build a dependable support network by communicating clearly and effectively. Check out (box left) 5 points that can help you be a good communicator, as well as barriers to good communicators. Then begin improving your control by gaining strength through asking - try these easy exercises.

Exercising Your Asking Muscles

Your goal is to build a dependable support network by communicating clearly and effectively. Check out (box left) 5 points that can help you be a good communicator, as well as barriers to good communicators. Then begin improving your control by gaining strength through asking - try these easy exercises.

Am I prepared? (Pdf)

In our book, Personal Safety Nets, we present stories of how life happens to people from ages 8 to 80+. Experiencing unexpected and unwanted challenges and changes happens to all of us. Are you prepared?

Food Packaging Traps - 5 Nutrition-Savvy Tips

When we walk into a store, emblazoned on nearly everry box, bag and bottle on every shelf is a multitude of nutritional claims - screaming, "Buy me! Buy me!" But remember: claims are marketing ploys, pure and simple! So we've provided some rules to follow to make you a truly savvy shopper.

10 Things We Can Do to Encourage Nonviolent Communications

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a way of interacting that facilitates the flow of communication needed to exchange information and resolve differences peacefully. It focuses on sharing human values and needs, and encourages the use of language that increases good will - and avoidance of language that contributes to resentment or lowered self-esteem.

New Research: Good Jokes Can Cure Bad Moods

After a rough day at the office or a nasty interchange, a great joke can often quickly lift us out of a bad mood. But why? Dutch researchers think they've verified why this is so and how a joke helps us -- most of the time - laugh it off and turn our negative mood positive.
Madelijn Strick, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher at Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands, and her team set out to figure out exactly how a joke can lift bad moods.
Not to spoil the punch line, but the researchers found a joke works not just because the humor distracts us from negative emotions but because of the cognitive work we need to do to "get" the joke.

For Some, Laughter Is the Best Medicine

Feeling rundown? Try laughing more. Some researchers think laughter just might be the best medicine, helping you feel better and putting that spring back in your step.
Join with us to read why, for some, laughter is the best medicine.
Read the latest evidence:
Laughter Therapy: What Happens When We Laugh?
Laughter's Effects on the Body
The Evidence: Is Laughter the Best Medicine?
Laughing It Up for Quality of Life

6 Steps for Keeping Balanced While Helping Others

When you're helping someone else - friend, child, family member, care partner, whomever, it's easy to get wrapped up in the tasks you and they have agreed upon. Helping others often necessitates paperwork, follow-up and follow-through - work that puts your own needs on the back burner. So we're here to remind you of 6 important and easy steps that will keep your own life balanced and healthy.

Food Packaging Traps - 5 Nutrition-Savvy Tips

Grocery shopping is something we take for granted – you do it for yourself, your family, or possibly as part of a Safety Net for another. And when you walk into the store, emblazoned on nearly every box, bag, and bottle on every shelf is a multitude of nutritional claims, essentially screaming, "Buy me! Buy me!" But by learning a few tips you'll be able to sort out the bad from the good—and make yourself healthier while you save a bundle in the process.

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