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Seven Tips for Vigilant Home Safety

Courtesy of Washington Alarm – passed on to you as excellent tips

Shared Housing #1: Know Yourself - "20 Questions"

Here's "20 Questions" you should ask yourself before you start talking with others about homesharing or shared housing. We suggest you take time to think about previous times when you've shared living space. Everyone has done this - with parents, roommates, children, other significant people. Start by taking these three steps, then take our 20 Question survey.

  • Pause and reflect on positive experiences. What were the ingredients that made them positive?
  • Now, turning to negative experiences, reflect on those experiences that were negative. What went wrong and why were they negative?
  • Finally, think about you and your current needs, and what kind of experience you'd like to have. There are many reasons to homeshare. You don't have to match up perfectly, but you'll be better able to find a good match if you know what you are looking for. 

Shared Housing #2 - Compatibility Checklist: Do We Fit?

How do you find a compatible person or family with whom to share housing? Carefully! We've created a tool that walks you through everyday and long-term compatibility information for your and others to use to see if you're both cut out to live together. 

Fill this out before you meet with anyone, when you're considering homesharing, then bring it along when you meet face-to-face. Having your ideas in front of you will help keep the focus on the important questions, and the understandings between potential housemates as quickly as possible, and with care.

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