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Cool Free Downloads: Health

The Happiness Initiative Survey - PSN Participants

In our November 2012 newsletter edition we wrote about the Happiness Initiative and the premise of true development of human society taking place when material and spiritual development occur side by side to complement and reinforce each  other. In our view, happiness is not a goal, but a byproduct of living a full and meaningful life, lived within and valuing community. 

Burnout or Compassion Fatigue

We sometimes assume that our very status as helpers grants us some sort of immunity from the hardship…as you care for people with your heart wide open, you often don’t realize how much of what your are exposed to is being taken in and held in your own body.

 - Trauma Stewardship, by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky

Incentives to Good Health?

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New year, new year. You've heard it all before! But over the last decade or so, some companies have made an effort to adopt workplace wellness programs - with the idea that cost savings in insurance and higher productivity will be rewarded or incentified. Is it enough to get you to shape up? Read on.

Random Acts of Kindness - The New Health Food

Created by Rebecca Matson, Marketing Coordinator of The Caring Presence, Random Acts of Kindness - The New Health Food  (in PDF format) is a truly great and fairly complete summation of the relationship of kindness and health - complete with research, stories and ideas. It's a great place to get started and to learn about the benefits of "kindness."

Explaining the New Health Care Reform

So much information about Health Care - what's true and what's not? We're not here to comment on the legislation but rather to help you gather the facts. We've found great sources of information that will tell you the truth, along with an excellent timeline for the legislation. A PDF is attached that gives you a complete 13 page summary. Happy reading.

Guide to Recognizing Depression

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, issued the "Depression Is a Treatable Illness: A Patient’s Guide," in 1993. It is still very helpful for care-share members and teams when seeking help. It tells us: When someone is depressed, that person has several symptoms nearly every day, all day, some at least two weeks. It also provides a chart. You can use the chart to check (x) off any symptoms you or someone you know has had for two weeks or more.

Watching for Stumbling Blocks - Fears

It is perfectly normal and understandable to have some of your own fears, particularly when facing an illness, injury, or the unknown. Whether you are the person receiving care or someone who cares about that individual, fears will crop up. Naming them usually helps diminish their potency. Understanding your fears will help you avoid many kinds of distancing behaviors.

Attitudes on Health & Hope

Continuing on with their research, we follow the Hope Foundation as it tests if there is even a link between health and hope. And what is the definition of hope as defined by those of differing degrees of health. This is interesting reading.

Does Age Affect Attitudes on Hope?

Our Canadian friends in Alberta have been doing their research and provide some telling answers to the question, how do people of different ages view hope?

What Good Is Hope?

Follow a simple experiment and learn how to face challenges; see challenges as overwhelming and you're likely to be defeated; attack them with a plan, support and hope, and you'll overcome.

Cardiac Rehab - The Gym & Health Benefits for Your Heart

A new study on cardiac rehab tells us that "more is better." Patients who suffered heart attacks, or undergone bypass graft surgery, or been hospitalized for chronic stable angina (chest pain after exertion) lived longer and had fewer subsequent heart attacks when they had more rehab sessions. Check out the research and PSN's take on getting to the gym.

Dieters Beware: Calorie Counts May Not Be Real

A new study that we follow tells us that prepared foods contain an average of 8% more calories than what their packaging label says. And restaurant meals can contain up to 18% more calories than what the menu claims. And perhaps the worst news is that the Food and Drug Administration says these margins of error are perfectly O.K. Read on for the whole story.

The Best Foods You Probably Aren't Eating - But Should!

The author of The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth gives us a list of eleven foods that are easy to find, but don't always find their way into our shopping carts. Here's an easy list to read and take directly to the grocery store.

Happiness & Health: Yours & Those Around You

A new survey on aging by the Pew Research Center finds, as expected, that good health contributes to one's contentment, but it also goes on to find the reverse is also true - happiness leads to good health. Findings also lead scientists to suspect that expectations and the ability to adapt to changing life circumstances also influence happiness. Read all about the relation of good health to happiness.

Foods You Should Eat Every Day

Arm youself with information you need to make smart choices when you decide what to eat. How can you make good nutrition certain? Here's the simple answer: Just eat these eight foods--along with a little protein such as salmon, turkey, or lean beef--every day. We've even supplied some menu ideas, along with some substitutes for when you can't find the real thing.

Knowing the 10 Signs: Early Detection of Alzheimer's

Memory loss that disrupts daily life is not a typical part of aging. It may be a symptom of Alzheimer's, a fatal brain disease that causes a slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills. Every individual may experience one or more of these signs in different degrees. If you notice any of them, please see a doctor. The worksheet and information is provided by the Alzheimer's Association (

The Difference Between Alzheimer's and Typical Age-related Changes

Is memory loss typical of developed aging or a sign of something more serious? This simple chart, provided by the Alzheimer's Association, can help you make some decisions about what to expect as we grow older. But the rule for all of us to remember is: When in doubt, or if  memory loss disrupts daily living, we need to see a doctor immediately.

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